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Monday, March 15, 2010

Now we are four!


It seems only yesterday when we started our own family. At first it was only me and hubby. Two years after, came our adorable daughter, Claire Ysabelle. I should say that how she came into our lives is not through ordinary package. You can read her story here.

Fast forward to Dec. 2009, Kian Matthew arrived. Like her Ate, Kian’s way to our lives is also full of surprises, trials, and success.

It was May 2009 when we learned that we are pregnant to our third baby. (Yes third, the first one resulted to D&C, another story here). Though we are thinking of having another addition to our family for quite sometime already, the news still surprised us. Unlike what we have gone through initially just to have Claire- fertility issues etc. having Matthew is a breeze, or so we thought.

On my 6th week gestation, I had some bleeding. We thought it was caused by the implantation. But when we had our TVS that same week, it turned out that I had subchorionic hemorrhage. It’s not something new to us. We experienced the same thing when I was pregnant with Claire. All I need to do is take medicines prescribed by my OB, complete bed rest for the first trimester and after that I can go back to work and wait for my term of delivery and after that life will be easy for all of us.

Well, not quite. It turned out that I do not only have SCH, but Placenta previa totalis too. Its a condition wherein the placenta covers the cervix totally. So my doctor’s order was, complete bedrest again. But even though I am on bedrest, I still had bleeding every now and then. I also had several trips to ER and was even confined to the hospital two times between September to November of last year. To hasten my baby’s lung maturity, my OB gave me steroids and several meds.

We thought we wouldn’t make it to full term, but God is God. He didn’t abandon us, not even one second. My brave little boy Kian Matthew Borja came out last Dec 11, 2009 at around 1240ish in the afternoon. He weighs 3 kilos, and a very healthy one. Thank you Kuya Jesus.

I love you son! Stay healthy!

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